How to strengthen your bones

How to strengthen your bones

How to strengthen your bones

Bone tissue constantly regenerates; all the cells in our bones are replaced by new ones every ten years. As we age, our bone density may decrease, but there are ways to slow it down:

  1. Consume enough bone-building material, calcium, and vitamins D and K, which aid calcium absorption.
  2. Supplement with Omega fatty acids, magnesium, and zinc as part of a healthy, varied diet.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight
    Excess weight puts additional strain on your joints and bones and increases the risk of bone fragility. Rapid weight loss may also decrease bone density.
  4. Exercise
    Do power training 2-3 times weekly for 45-50 minutes to build and strengthen bone structure.
  5. Walk, jog, and dance regularly
    Weight-bearing exercises such as jumping, walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, playing tennis, and dancing force you to work against gravity and are considered the best bone-building exercises.
Now that you know how to build healthy bones, stay tuned to learn how to strengthen your teeth.
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